Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Car trouble . . . or Driver trouble?

I was in a hurry last week trying to buy groceries, pay bills, etc. and I was really hungry, so I swung into McD's for a burger . . . I shouldn't have stopped there because my wife was making dinner, and this grocery trip was supposed to be the beginning of our more healthy diet, but I was really hungry and I had at least an hour's worth of errands to finish.

After I ate my burger, I tried to start the car, but no luck. Busted. Now I have to call my wife at tell her about my burger detour.

I tried jumping the car; I tried cleaning off the battery terminal posts; and of course several employees were happy to help and give me tons of advice, such as: "Did you check the air in your tires?"

While I was slamming things around in my trunk looking for a wrench, I pushed the car and it rolled! That's when I realized what was wrong. See, my car has this really bad feature where you can take the key out without putting it in park. . . . however the car won't start unless it is in park.

So I called my team of wannabe-mechanics around me and proudly announced that I had fixed the problem. I closed the hood and the car started right up. Then, I quickly drove off before any of them could challenge me and discover what I the real problem had been . . . which was of course that I’m not always very bright.

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