Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Never Cool

I visited some of my students at their high school today, and since the weather was nice, most of them were sitting outside.

As I walked up to them, I had a real-time pseudoflashback; somehow the clumsiness from my teenage years remanifested itself at exactly the wrong time. A large important-looking stack of papers rested securely under a backpack which . . . I tripped over. I flew, the papers flew, but the students immediately went into hyper-cool mode; none of them moved, and they all played it off like they didn’t care at all about the hours of homework that just flew away. I did the dorkiest thing possible and tried to chase down as many papers as I could.

When the whole event was over, they had a healthy laugh at me, which I will assume means they like me (that kind of denial is what got me through high school).

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