Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Keep the Change

Do you get a lot of gift cards? What do you do when you get down to the last $0.75 or $1.36? Do you:
1) Spend more money out of your pocket in order to used up the gift card?
2) Forget about the extra money left on the card?

I tend to get a lot of Barns and Noble cards. I had 3 with less than $2 on them, so I though I might be able to get a magazine or something.

After about 20 minutes I had an awesome revelation: There was nothing in the store I wanted to buy. Every time I looked at a book or magazine, I immediately thought about the public library. Maybe I'm spoiled; Columbia has a pretty nice library, and while they don't have everything I want to read, they have most of the books I'm looking for. If I can't find the exact book I'm looking for I can usually find something similar.

Which brings me back to the original question: What to do with the gift cards? Is there some kind of charity we can start here? Can we ask people to send us their almost empty gift cards, and we use them to buy stuff for people in need?

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