Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Isaac Update

Here are the cute, new things Isaac is doing:

Cute stuff:

  • He can walk backwards :)
  • He does the classic bye, bye.
  • He gives people kisses. . . he also gives his stuffed animals kisses too, then he bites them.
Words he understands but can't say:
I don't actually know how many words he understand, I just know it's a lot. He surprises me all the time. After he was done eating, he had a chunk of something stuck to his nose and Gina asked him, "What do you have on your nose?" and Isaac pointed to his nose! We haven't really tried to teach him body parts yet, but he has somehow picked up ear, nose, and foot/feet.

We've also told him to do random things and he has listed to us, such as "Put the keys down." and "Go tickle daddy." (Gina is especially proud of that one.) He started curling and uncurling his index finger then walked over and put his finger on my foot while giggling.

Yep, we taught him to sign . . . the three words we know:
  • Eat
  • More (as in 'more food please')
  • Done (as in 'I'm done eating')
They are extremely handy signs for him to know, and he has actually started saying 'more' and 'done' because he learned the sign first. Makes me wish I wasn't such a lazy bum. If I weren't, I'd go learn more signs to teach him. He pick those three up almost instantly!

New Words:
  • Down, which he pronounced "Dowwwwwww"
  • Keys
  • Go
  • Bear
  • Blanket (he has two favorite blankets)
  • Bottle (I'm trying to teach him the sign for milk, but it is too similar to way babies wave for him to catch on quickly)
  • Bunny
  • Dog (which used to mean dog but now means any furry animal)
  • Hi (He said "Hi" to me on the phone today while I was at work)
  • Bye, bye
  • Cracker
  • Juice
  • Kiss
That's all I can remember right now, but I think there are more.

New Sounds:
  • He can't say "bulldozer" but he has a favorite book that is about bulldozers and he says "rumbel, rumble, rumble" whenever he sees a bulldozer, hears the word bulldozer, or is reading the book. I have a video that I'll post when I get it edited.
  • "Woof, woof, woof." When he sees a dog . . . or any other harry, four-legged animal. He makes his whole body lunge forward each time he says, "woof."
  • "Choo, choo." for the little wooden train at Grandpa and Grandma Puglis's house.
  • He makes an funny elephant sound. But "funny elephant sound" might be redundant because most humans sound funny when they try to make an elephant sound. Go ahead and try.
  • He will open and close his hand and say "Raw, raw." When he sees an alegator
  • "Zoom, zoom, zoom." and "Burrrrrr" for cars
  • He has two of his bottom molars coming in.
  • He sleeps between 9 and 10 hours a night!
  • He's trying to run, and can walk super fast. He tries to pick up his knees in order to run, but hasn't quite figured out the motion yet, so he kind of run/walks.
  • Tomatoes and Mac-n-cheese are his favorite foods. When he is done eating, he likes to put the left over food in his hair.
  • I'm teaching him the steamroller game I used to play with Jon and Mike (my younger brothers). It's a pretty simple game. I'm the steamroller and I run over him while he tries to roll away. The trick is to do a fake roll over him kind of like you can fake step on someone when you're really jumping over them. So now he will roll and say "burrrr" like he is the steamroller.
  • He loves books! It's cute when the three of us are all sitting in the living room reading books. Sometimes we're all reading the same book; sometimes we're all reading different books.

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