Here are Isaac's newest words:
He has mastered the words that used to be on his "understand-but-won't-say" list:
--His favorite word is "outside"
--He is also using book, and bath. Although most of his "B" words sound the same - "Baa" - you can tell the difference by where he goes when he says the word.
New words:
--Car (which is associated with his favorite word - Outside)
--This morning he saw a bird and said "Birr." But that was the first time I heard him say that, so we'll have to wait to see if it sticks.
He lost his favorite toy - a weeble wobble - for almost two weeks. I found it yesterday between the cushions on the couch, and laughed. He likes to cram stuff inside bags, under the f
ridge, between cushions, etc. (He has pretty good control over the blue/red Tupperware sphere thing that has yellow shapes.) I can picture him there all by himself - we'll assume Gina and I were in the kitchen washing dishes - and he was there cramming the weeble wobble in to the cushion, pulling it back out, cramming it back it, over and over until he realized that we weren't right behind him. Then he gave up his game, and came searching for us and completely forgot about the toy.

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