Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Funny Food

Why do the funniest things happen to me at fast food places?

I was at Taco Bell for lunch the other day (I go there when I have to write because I love the unlimited soda) and when I got in line . . . something, or someone stank! The guy in front of me looked like a construction worker, and it has been crazy hot lately (high of 100 today), so it's understandable that he might be a bit smelly.

I took a step back, and he noticed and politely took a step forward.

After he collected his food and left, I noticed the smell lingered a bit. Also understandable because an odor that powerful would need a bit more time to dissipate.

When I sat down . . . I noticed the funniest thing: The Smell: it was me.

I've been riding my bike to work lately, (in order to equalize the negative affect Taco Bell has on me), and didn't think to throw a clean shirt into my backpack when I left the house. So I went around all smelly all day.

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